
You are here:
Community Pharmacy - Randolph, Maine - Refill Your Prescription Online

Pharmacy Information

Paula Knight
Lori Wood

268 Water Street
Randolph, ME 04346

Phone Numbers:
Rx Dept: (207) 588-2482
or  (888) 880-5355
Bus. Fax: (207) 588-0038


Monday – Friday
: 8:00 am  to 7:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Get the Rx Local App

Prescription Refill Form:

    1. Who is this Prescription for?

    Please enter your last name and phone number exactly as it appears on your prescription label.

    2. Which prescriptions would you like refilled?

    Please enter your Community Pharmacies prescription number(s) from your medicine container(s).

    3. Arrange for pickup or mailing of your prescription(s)?
    Please choose one of the options below
    Pick Up:

    A date and time for pickup must be selected if you choose the pick up option.
    Please allow at least three hours for your prescription to be filled.
    Shipping may apply if you live outside of Maine and choose the mail option.
    If your mailing address has changed please contact us at the location listed above.
    Please call 207-588-2482 with payment information.

    4. Verify information and submit your order.

    To ensure the accuracy of your order we may contact you with questions concerning this refill request.

    Please click the "Submit" button and your refill request will be sent to the Community Pharmacies store listed at the top of this page.